February 6th - closed

Fairlawn Positives

Please use the link below to check out the positive things that are happening here at Fairlawn Local Schools! https://fairlawnk12oh-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/braun_fairlawn_k12_oh_us1/ESwOjEnfHxNKkdLgvbejTSIBDK3vh0HMPkFNxpUoTLcRFg?e=9mxVc7

Washington DC Trip

There will be a Washington D.C. Trip Informational Parent Meeting for parents of 6th and 7th graders. The meeting will be on November 7th at 6:00 PM Trip Date: October 21-24th, […]

Submit your own yearbook pictures

“You can now upload your own photos to be put in the yearbook! Just follow this link and upload you pictures for review by the yearbook staff!!” https://photos.jostens.com/BVKK4Q

Meet the HS Principal

Hey Jets! My name is Jesie Geuy and I am honored to be named Principal at Fairlawn Middle/High School.  I’m coming to you from Sidney Middle School where I served […]