February 21st - 2 Hour Delay

Elementary Principal

Mr. Chris Zink

Hello Fairlawn Families, my name is Chris Zink and I’m excited to announce that I’m your new PreK – 5th grade elementary principal! I bring with me 26 years of experience in education: 22 as an intervention specialist in all academic settings and content areas and 4 as an administrator, two as an assistant principal and two as a building principal. My wide array of experience in different schools and different educational settings has enabled me to meet each student where they are at and build strong authentic relationships with both them and their families. 

For the past two years I’ve had the privilege of working in an elementary setting. I started each day by telling a dad Joke on the announcements and ended each day outside to high five students as they left for the buses. As a leader, I know there is just as much value in the small moments as there is in the big events of our school year.

Outside of school I enjoy spending time with my family. I’m originally from Massachusetts, but I met my wife, Jessie while living in New Orleans. After Hurricane Katrina we decided it was time to move to Ohio, where she’s originally from and we have been in Troy for the past 18 years. Jessie is the Associate Director of Curriculum and Instruction at Northmont City Schools. We have been married for 19 years and we have two sons. Noah, our oldest, is going to be a senior and will be on the cross country, swim and track team. Caden will be entering 8th grade and will be running cross country and track. We are an active family that enjoys all forms of exercise, as well as some highly competitive board games and minigolf! We also have four pets. We have two dogs: Zoey, a long-haired dachshund, Nova, a Bernese Mountain Dog, and two cats, Gronk and BK. 

I look forward to meeting our staff, our families, our community members and most importantly our students! It’s going to be a great year. Be the reason someone smiles today and Go Jets!

Follow us: FaceBook – @fairlawnelementaryprincipal and X – @FairlawnElementary

Chris Zink