

Students will be asked to sign a new policy each year during which they are students in the School District before they are given a network access account, a computer usage account, or may use electronic devices at school. 

The Fairlawn Local School District reserves the right to monitor, inspect, copy, review, and store at any time and without prior notice any and all usage of the computer network and Internet access and any and all information transmitted or received in connection with such usage. All such information files shall be and remain the property of Fairlawn Local Schools and no user shall have any expectation of privacy regarding such materials.  The use of personal electronic devices on campus is a privilege which the school grants to any student who is willing to assume the responsibility of abiding by the guidelines set forth in this policy.  This is part of the student’s signed Acceptable Use Policy and does not replace that document in any way.  All policies set in place in the Acceptable Use Policy continue to apply when the student uses his/her personal electronic devices on campus.  A user violates this policy by his/her own action or by failing to report any violations by others that comes to the attention of the user. Fairlawn Local Schools may also take other disciplinary actions in such circumstances. 


(Acceptable Use and Internet Safety)  

Technology can greatly enhance the instructional program, as well as the efficiency of the District.  The Board recognizes that careful planning is essential to ensure the successful, equitable and cost-effective implementation of technology-based materials, equipment, systems and networks. 

Computers and use of the District network or online services support learning and enhance instruction, as well as assist in administration.  For purposes of this policy computers include District-owned desktop computers, laptops, tablets and other mobile computing devices. 

All computers are to be used in a responsible, efficient, ethical and legal manner.  Failure to adhere to this policy and the guidelines below will result in the revocation of the user’s access privilege.  Unacceptable uses of the computer/network include but are not limited to: 

1. violating the conditions of State and Federal law dealing with students’ and employees’ rights to privacy, including unauthorized disclosure, use and dissemination of personal information; 

2. using profanity, obscenity or other language that may be offensive to another user or intended to harass, intimidate or bully other users; 

3. accessing personal social networking websites for noneducational purposes; 

4. reposting (forwarding) personal communication without the author’s prior consent; 

5. copying commercial software and/or other material in violation of copyright law; 

6. using the network for financial gain, for commercial activity or for any illegal activity; 

7. “hacking” or gaining unauthorized access to other computers or computer systems, or attempting to gain such unauthorized access; 

8. accessing and/or viewing inappropriate material and 

9. downloading of freeware or shareware programs. 

The Superintendent/designee shall develop a plan to address the short- and long-term technology needs and provide for compatibility of resources among school sites, offices and other operations.  As a basis for this plan, he/she shall examine and compare the costs and benefits of various resources and shall identify the blend of technologies and level of service necessary to support the instructional program. 

Because access to online services provides connections to other computer systems located all over the world, users (and parents of users who are under 18 years old) must understand that neither the school nor the District can control the content of the information available on these systems.  Some of the information available is controversial and sometimes offensive. 

The Board does not condone the use of such materials.  Employees, students and parents of students must be aware that the privileges to access online services are withdrawn from users who do not respect the rights of others or who do not follow the rules and regulations established.  A user’s agreement is signed to indicate the user’s acknowledgment of the risks and  

regulations for computer/online services use.  The District has implemented technology-blocking measures that protect against access by both adults and minors to visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography, or, with respect to the use of computers by minors, harmful to minors.  The District has also purchased monitoring devices that maintain a running log of internet activity, recording which sites a particular user has visited. 

“Harmful to minors” is defined as any picture, image, graphic image file or other visual depiction that: 

1. taken as a whole and with respect to minors appeals to a prurient interest in nudity, sex or excretion;  

2. depicts, describes or represents, in a patently offensive way with respect to what is suitable for minors, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts or a lewd exhibition of genitals and 

3. taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value as to minors. 

The District will educate minors about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms and cyberbullying awareness and response.  The Superintendent/designee will develop a program to educate students on these issues. 

Annually, a student who wishes to have computer network and internet access during the school year must read the acceptable use and internet safety policy and submit a properly signed agreement form.  Students and staff are asked to sign a new agreement each year after reviewing the policies and regulations of the District. The District reserves the right to amend policies and regulations as necessary throughout the school year.  Users are notified of the updated policies and regulations and must comply with the updated requirements.  These policies and regulations also apply to use of District-owned devices, or accessing of District intranet and software programs off District property. All users using platforms established for e-learning regardless of whether the student or employee is using a personal or District provided device must be used in accordance with the standards for conduct outlined in this policy and the accompanying regulation.  Users in violation of this policy or the accompanying regulation may be subject to discipline. 

The following guidelines and procedures shall be complied with by staff, students or community members who are specifically authorized to use the District’s computers or online services. 

1. Use appropriate language.  Do not use profanity, obscenity or other language that may be offensive to other users.  Illegal activities are strictly forbidden.   

2. Do not reveal your personal home address or phone number or those of other students or colleagues. 

3. Note that electronic mail (email) is not guaranteed to be private.  Technology coordinators have access to all messages relating to or in support of illegal activities and such activities may be reported to the authorities. 

4. Use of the computer and/or network is not for financial gain or for any commercial or illegal activity. 

5. The network should not be used in such a way that it disrupts the use of the network by others. 

6. All communications and information accessible via the network should be assumed to be property of the District. 

7. Rules and regulations of online etiquette are subject to change by the administration. 

8. The user in whose name an online service account is issued is responsible for its proper use at all times.  Users shall keep personal account numbers and passwords private.  They shall use this system only under the account numbers issued by the District. 

9. The system shall be used only for purposes related to education or administration.  Commercial, political and/or personal use of the system is strictly prohibited.   

The administration reserves the right to monitor any computer activity and online communications for improper use. 

10. Users shall not use the system to encourage the use of drugs, alcohol or tobacco nor shall they promote unethical practices or any activity prohibited by law or Board policy.   

      11. Users shall not view, download or transmit material that is threatening, obscene, disruptive or sexually explicit or that could be construed as harassment, intimidation, bullying or disparagement of others based on their race, color, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, economic status, military status, political beliefs or any other personal or physical characteristics. 

12. Copyrighted material may not be placed on the system without the author’s permission.   

13. Vandalism results in the cancellation of user privileges.  Vandalism includes uploading/downloading any inappropriate material, creating computer viruses and/or any malicious attempt to harm or destroy equipment or materials or the data of any other user. 

14. Users shall not read other users’ mail or files; they shall not attempt to interfere with other users’ ability to send or receive electronic mail, nor shall they attempt to read, delete, copy, modify or forge other users’ mail. 

15. Users are expected to keep messages brief and use appropriate language. 

16. Users shall report any security problem or misuse of the network to the teacher, his/her immediate supervisor or building administrator.