February 6th - closed

Open Enrollment Renewal

Returning Parents,

If your student is currently Open Enrolled at Fairlawn Local Schools, you will need to renew your Open Enrollment form. You will need to log into FinalForms first. Each student has their own “home page.” Once you have clicked on the name of your student, there will be a button on the left of their name that says: Incomplete forms. If you do not see that, there should be a statement across the top that states: Registration for the 2025-2026 school year, click on that. All current Open Enrolled PreK students have had a physical renewal letter sent home in an envelope. These papers can be signed and returned to the teacher or office. If none of this makes sense or you still have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Heidi Braun in the Board Office at braun@fairlawn.k12.oh.us or 937-492-1974 ext. 500.

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Fairlawn Positives

Please use the link below to check out the positive things that are happening here at Fairlawn Local Schools! https://fairlawnk12oh-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/braun_fairlawn_k12_oh_us1/ESwOjEnfHxNKkdLgvbejTSIBDK3vh0HMPkFNxpUoTLcRFg?e=9mxVc7

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Washington DC Trip

There will be a Washington D.C. Trip Informational Parent Meeting for parents of 6th and 7th graders. The meeting will be on November 7th at 6:00 PM Trip Date: October 21-24th,

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